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From Apollo By the Numbers (see related links for URL)

"Before reentering the LM, the CDR dropped a Golf ball onto the surface. Using the head of a "6-iron" attached to the handle of the contingency sample collector, he attempted to strike the ball but struck mostly soil and barely moved the ball. The second swing sent the ball a few feet to the right. He dropped a second ball which he hit into a crater about 50 feet away."

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

On the moon you will throw the ball ever further as the gravity is one sixth of earth.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes I can

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Q: How far can you throw a ball on the moon?
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How much farther can you throw a ball on the moon compared to earth?

You can throw a ball much farther on the moon compared to Earth due to its weaker gravity, which is about one-sixth the strength of Earth's gravity. This means that objects on the moon experience less gravitational pull, allowing them to travel further when thrown.

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Depends on how fast you throw it... ;)

When you throw a ball what happens?

when the ball leave your hands it go into the air and foul back down and slow motions

If you hit a golf ball as hard as you can on the surface of the moon how far will it travel?

very far

How do you throw a tennis ball far?

Use your whole body (hips, legs, etc) to throw the ball as hard as you can at a 45 degree angle and remember to follow through.

How far can you throw a lighter ball then a heavier ball?

This question doesn't make sense ... are you a six year old?

How does the weight of the ball affect how far it can be thrown?

The weight of the ball affects how far it can be thrown by influencing the force applied during the throw. A heavier ball requires more force to throw, potentially resulting in a shorter distance due to increased resistance. Conversely, a lighter ball may be easier to throw with higher velocity, potentially covering a longer distance.

Does height of a person throwing a ball affect how far the ball will go?

no it actuly helps im 9 5 feet1/5 and i throw hard and far

Why does a tennis ball go far if you throw it?

When you throw the tennis ball, it flies for a distance before dropping down because when you throw the tennis ball, you use force, which is transferred to the tennis ball, which then converts to kinetic energy (movement energy), to allow the tennis ball to go far.

When you throw a ball what happens what tow forces?

When you throw a ball, two main forces are acting on it: the force of your throw propels the ball forward, while gravity pulls it downward towards the ground. The interaction of these two forces determines the ball's trajectory and how far it will travel.

Can the goaler throw the ball into the other goal?

Sure he can. but it would be very difficult to throw it that far. it would be easier to kick it but i suppose if he could somehow get it that far then it would count as a goal.

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It's a sport where you try to throw a heavy ball as far as you can (track and Field)