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The farthest I have ever hit a wiffle ball is 150 feet or so.

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15y ago

Wiffle pitchers have been gunned in the high 90's from a distance of 48 feet.

See "Rob Hoffman - Wiffleball pitcher" on YouTube

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Q: How far can a person hit a Wiffle ball?
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How many holes are on a whiffle ball?

There is one hole in a wiffle ball. If two openings meet at the same point, then it constitutes as one hole (i.e. a straw has one hole). Since every opening on a wiffle ball meets at the same point in the middle of the ball, there is one hole in a wiffle ball.

Can a wiffle ball break a window?

Unless that ball was thrown or hit at a ridiculously high speed, then there's really no way plastic breaks glass.

How many meters does the aluminum bat hit a ball?

It depends how accurately and how hard you hit the ball. If you hit the ball weakly, then it won't go far; If you hit the ball strongly, then the ball is most likely to go far unless the ball goes down and hits the ground early.

Are baseball and wiffleball the same?

No wiffle balls are made for plastic bats and have holes in them to prevent them from going as far. Baseballs are made for wooden or aluminum bats and are solid. (thats why hitters can hit them so far)

In 4-square is the ball allowed to hit your body?

No-it is not allowed to hit a person or the person who hit it is out. No-it is not allowed to hit a person or the person who hit it is out.

What is a brief description of how to play dodge ball?

Hit people with a ball and don't get hit by a ball. If you get hit your out. If you catch a ball you aren't out and the person who threw it is.

Can the same person hit the ball if the person hits the ball against the net again?

No, they can only hit it again after another person has touched it.

When is a runner hit with a hit ball not considered out?

If the ball touch a person in defence first.

Does the weight of a baseball bat affect how far the ball goes when it is hit?

It depends on how hard you hit the ball. :0

What are examples of 'do unto others what you would have them to do unto you'?

If you wouldn't want someone else to take your candy, don't take other people's candy. If you wouldn't want someone else to hit you in the face with a wiffle ball, don't hit other people in the face with wiffle balls. If you wouldn't want someone else to go into your clubhouse, don't go into other peoples clubhouses.

How much would a 1953 wiffle ball be worth?

It all depends on the manufacturing year...a bat with a stick Wiffle logo and Made in the USA below was manufactured somewhere between 1982 to the mid 90's and in good condition sell for $10 - $50 depending upon the solidity of the bat, with the vast majority being in the lower range. Those with just a stick Wiffle without the made in the USA predate this area and in good condition could be worth upwards of $100 to a serious Wiffle ball player. The older the bat the more solid it is and the less it will warp and get out of shape with use - plus generally they are a little heavier and can hit the ball farther.

Why is wiffle ball a weak sport?

Wiffle ball is a weak sport because my grandma can play it easy. It is so easy a caveman can do it. Seth Jones is a primary example. I implore you to look at his 2 inning record of no hits to Austin's 90 inning record without a hit. This sport is so easy that there is no contact and i still made people hurt. Swing a bat hard and u get a homerun.... that simple..... just do it weaklinks.