

How far can a hawk see up to?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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14y ago

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It can see a rabbit sized animal 1 mile away without trouble

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Q: How far can a hawk see up to?
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Who can see better a hawk or a ant?

A hawk can. A hawk uses it's eyes to find prey from far distances so they can eat it. Ants have antennae that detect chemicals, air currents and vibrations. They also use them to transmit signals. Some ants are blind and some have very good vision for an ant. Bull ants can see up too 1 meter and that is good vision compared to a normal ant.

What species has excellent eyesight?

Well, one is a bird. Like a hawk or an eagle can see from a very far distance, they have a keen eye.

Hawk a bad omen?

Hawk Messenger from the spirit world, stopper of time. If you see a hawk, look around, there is a message for you in what is also going on around you. I don't see that as bad.

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What is the difference between nearsightedness and farsightedness?

Nearsightness is when you can only see up close and not far away. Farsightness is when you can only see far away and not up close. =)

Is a hawk faster than sonic?

A hawk is faster because sonic goes 745 mph as a hawk goes 100,000 mph see the difference

What is the maximum degree a human eye can go up too?

If you mean how far. If you can see the stars in the Milky Way - that is about how far we can see.

If you need glasses are you near or far sighted if you can't see close up?

Near Sighted. If you need glasses if you cant see close up, you are far sighted. You need the glasses to see close up, so your not near sighted.

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Meerkats can see to almost up to 3 miles away

Are hawk and animal of the legion of doom dead?

hawk is he died of a heart attack in his sleep in 2003 i think :( as far as i know animal is still alive

How far can a bird see?

depends on the bird, hawks can see from a ways up and spot a mouse