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as far back as he wants to

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Q: How far back does a kicker have to go to kick a conversion in rugby?
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Rugby - How many conversions in a try?

when you complete a series of downs to start another,for example,if it is 3rd down and 3 yards and you get it it is an conversion. A conversion can also mean a point after touchdown or a two point conversion after a touchdown.

Is it harder to score a rugby conversion or a 35yard free kick in a football match?

I would probably say the free-kick because in a rugby conversion the area to aim at is much larger.

How many meters have you got to be from the rugby post to kick a conversion?


If at a penalty kick in rugby the ball bounces before going over the posts would this count a sucssessful kick at goal?

No its fail as a kick. However, if the ball is placed by the kicker and when the run up starts the ball falls over the kicker cannot replace the ball the must play it from that point - It would normally be drop kicked over to complete the penalty kick.

Does a blocked extra point count as a miss for the kicker?

What about a bad snap where no kick, or kick attempt, is made? I realize this counts as a failed conversion for the team, but does it count as a missed kick for the kicker in his stats?

What is a soccer kick in rugby?

no such thing. - The equivalent kick in soccer and rugby would be the placed penalty kick.

What is the rules to Rugby?

well see rugby is a lot like football there is a kickoff but you punt it to the other team and you run up the Field until you get tackled and then you give the ball to a team mate and the pitch it to one of the wings and at this point they can kick it up Field or run up Field or pitch it back to the other wing (there are 3 wings) and if there is a penalty the stop the play and they kinda get in a blocking formation (like in football were the line protects the quarterback this is called a scrum and like football if you pass the goal line you get a try (touchdown) and you get a conversion which like a PAT in football but is worth 2 and you kick off again but if there is a penalty and your kicker can kick real far you can instead of a scrum can kick a Field goal which like football is worth 3 and there are 15 players on the Field and that's rugby and just like football there are offsides until the ball is picked up you must not pass the line of scrimmage so get some friends and play rugby.

How far should a kicker be able to kick?

A Punter (After a touchdown or fieldgoal is made) in the NFL should at least kick 65 yards.A Field Goal Kicker should be able to kick at least 55-60 yards to be good.A Kicker, (When a team kicks the ball away) should kick approximately 35 or more yards.Field Goal's need accuracyPunter's and Kicker's don't

Can you score a drop kick from a kick off in rugby?

No you are not allowed to attempt a drop goal off a kick off in rugby- even if the ball does manage to go through no pints will be awarded.

What does it mean in rugby to kick the ball out on the full?

If you are out side the 22 and you kick it out on the FULL it goes back to where the player kicked it. if its inside the 22 and you kick it out on the full, its from where the ball goes out NOT bounces.

Who made the first onside kick?

place kicker

How does a team score in rugby?

they can get a try for 4 points. a try conversion for 2 points. a penalty kick for 2 points or a field goal for 1 point.