it all depends on the load, and the heigth of deck. If the deck is over 8 to 12 inches, it changes things a little. To get the load, measure the width by the length and multiply by the length of the joists. It's more complicated than just that, so if you need exact figures, send me a message and I'll do the math for you.
According to Building Control Regulations, the DPC should be a minimum of 150mm above external finished ground level.
The Forks Should be down on Ground Level so no Person would Trip or Walk into the Forks
The ozone at ground level is a pollutant. It can cause breathing problems.
Natural ground level refers to the original level of the ground before any modifications or landscaping have been done. It is the untouched, natural state of the land without any human intervention.
Yes, fog is a ground level cloud.
Ground level clouds are usually called fog
Ground level smog and ozone are related with each other. They both act as pollutants at ground level.
Find some high ground, about 200 feet higher than sea level
Two gallons if it is sitting on level ground.
ground not important ,could eyeball ...the frame is what you level..with a builders level is the fastest .
Lightening causes it. It is a pollutant at ground level.