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"In December 1995, Jackson collapsed during a rehearsal for an HBO television special being filmed at New York City's Beacon Theater. His blood pressure was found to be abnormally low, registering at a lean 70 over 40 by the emergency medical team that arrived on the scene. The incident was later labeled a stress-related panic attack. " - Michael Jackson Collector's Edition Magazine

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Because when you have the ball and dribbling it, your going againts the law of gravity. It also affects because what ever goes up must come down...

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Q: How does spinning of the body affect the force in basketball?
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Yes, a body can have energy even if no force is acting on it. This is because energy can exist in various forms such as potential energy or kinetic energy, and can be stored within the body itself without the need for an external force.

What is spinning of a body on its axis?

That's "rotation".

How do balanced and unbalanced force affect an objects motion?

The motion in a body depends on the the balanced or unbalanced forces acting on it. If the sum of the forces is 0 then it is a balanced force and produces no motion if the sum of the forces isn't 0 then it is unbalanced force. The body will move in the direction in which the force is applied. That's about it

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The gravitational force on an object at the Earth's surface is directly proportional to the mass of the Earth and inversely proportional to the square of the Earth's radius. This means that as the Earth's radius increases, the gravitational force on an object at its surface decreases.

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