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smoking significantly decreases your sporting ability mainly through your lungs. As it decreases your lung capacity which means you cannot get enough oxygen to your muscles.

Smoking makes your lungs look like burnt steak. And you can die.

(The good news is that even if your lungs are pretty black from smoking, then, if you stop, your lungs will do their best to recover).

Cigarette smoke has many unpleasant contents; and one of the worst is carbon monoxide, CO. CO is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas that is highly toxic. Whereas oxygen, O2, attaches to red blood cells in the lungs and then detaches readily at the destination, CO attaches more strongly and won't ever let go! So those red cells to which CO clings are rendered useless; and only when the cells die (after about six weeks) and are excreted, does the CO leave the body.

Any inhalation of CO is harmful and will affect the body's performance; and it follows that if you inhale enough CO, you will contaminate more and more red cells, and you will die.

CO also occurs in the exhaust of petrol (gasoline) engines. If you start to feel headachey and drowsy, you should suspect CO, and open the car windows to get some fresh air.

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11y ago

Smoking affects HEAVILY the two main systems and it is extremely important that they are on a very good condition for any athlete, and for any sport: the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Moreover, smoking is very harmful for any worker as well. In fact, smoking is harmful for everyone, whether he is a common person, a worker, and mainly, an athlete.

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