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Q: How does small wildcats of America raise babies?
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What wildlife is in the forest?

Depends which forest. There are many species that exist only in forests. There are many species of primates (monkeys, great apes, bush babies) then there are many species of small antelope, as well as a few large ones (such as the okapi which is the closest relative of the giraffe). There are many species of cat that live in the forests from tigers and leopards to wildcats. Forests in europe and north america are inhabited by wolves bears and lynx

What does a scottish wildcat eat?

Scottish wildcats primarily eat small mammals such as rabbits, rodents, and birds. They may also consume insects, reptiles, and amphibians as part of their diet.

Where are scottish wildcats in the foodchain?

Scottish wildcats are carnivores and sit at the top of the food chain in their habitat. They primarily feed on small mammals like rabbits, rodents, and birds, which makes them apex predators in their ecosystems.

Can the small blind raise in a game of poker?

Yes, the small blind can raise in a game of poker.

Why are cats so small?

Domestic cats were not bred by people to be small. They are descendants of naturally small wildcats. Modern day cats are close relatives to a few different types of small wildcats. For instance, the African wildcat, which is generally considered to be the main ancestor of the domestic cat, are 9-14 pounds as adults and 21-26 inches long (this includes the head, but not the tail).

If Nintendogs have babies do they stay that small?

Nintendogs will never have babies

What do babies look like when they are babies?

Very small, cute, the little blue penguins are as small as ur palm

What eats a wildcat?

Wildcats are predators and primary eaters of small mammals, birds, and reptiles. However, wildcats can also fall prey to larger predators like wolves, cougars, and birds of prey. Additionally, diseases, accidents, and human activities can also result in the death of wildcats.

How many babies do small dogs have?

about 1to5

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Are babies born with a half a heart?

No, babies are born with a whole heart, just very small.

How small can bearded dragon babies be?

They can be as small as 4 inches when they are first born.