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Q: How does playing basketball works with the digestive system?
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What system do the digestive system work with?

I believe that the digestive system works with the excretory system.

What systems work with the digestive system?

The digestive system works with the Urinary System and the Muscular System

What system works with the digestive system?

It works with the circulatory system because nutriants , vitamins, and food follow through our blood

What is one disease that can affect the digestive system?

Cancer. If it kills you, your digestive system no longer works, does it?

How does a squirrel's digestive system work?

A squirrel's digestive system works in a similar fashion to the humans. Squirrels eat food and as the food sits in their stomach their brain releases digestive enzymes to break down that food.

What other system in your body works with digestive system?

The circulatory system works closely with the digestive system. The circulatory system helps transport nutrients absorbed from the digestive system to all parts of the body. It also delivers oxygen and removes waste products generated by the digestive process.

Why is it important to know how your digestive system works?

its not :(

Does the skeletal system work with the excretory system?

While the skeletal system and excretory system do not directly work together, they can indirectly impact each other. The skeletal system provides structural support for the body, including protecting certain organs involved in excretion such as the kidneys. Additionally, the excretory system helps regulate the balance of minerals in the body that are necessary for bone health.

How the digestive system works with other systems?

The digestive system works with the excretory system. the digestive system helps get the waste products for the excretory system and the digestive system breaks down food to nutrients for the cardiovascular system to transport the nutrients to the cells in the body With circulation because the blood absorbs the nutrients from your intestines and distributes them throughout your body. The respitory because to get the blood pumping involves the heart with gets oxygen from the lungs and makes that into energy for your body. So your digestive system works with other systems to make energy for your body so you can be healthy! The digestive system works with the circulatory system because the digestive system needs to continue digesting food.

The circulatory system works with what other system to get nutrients to all body parts?

The circulatory system works with digestive system to circulate the nutrients to all the body parts. The nutrients are digested and absorbed by the digestive system. The circulatory system circulates the nutrients throughout the body.

What other system does the digestive work with?

The digestive system works with all of the systems in your body. To be more specific it works with the urinary, muscular, and the nervous system really work with the digestive system. Another is the circulatory system, it helps get the harvested nutrients to the other parts of your body.

Is there any body system which works with digestive system?

Yes! Circulatory system.