They are many ways!
-they served it over the net and nobody on the other team went for it
-the other team was out of rotation
-the other team hit it back over the net onto your side and it went out
-the other team hit it four times
-other team couldn't get the ball over in time (3 hits)
-the other team served it out
-the ball on the other teams side dropped (when it was in)
-your team hit it or served it out but the other team touched it before it hit the ground
-if the opposing team is serving and they had a bad toss and they catch it instead of letting it hit the ground
-the other team touched the net!
-if the opposing team hit the ball back over the net but it hit the ceiling on the way.
There is probably more but I just can't think of any right now! :)
One point.
one point for for your team every time the other team drops the ball. and vise versa
The serving team automaticlly gets one point
There are two different ways to score volleyball. The first way is called rally scoring. Rally scoring is where a point is given to the team that doesn't make the mistake, no matter if they didn't even touch the ball. For example: If a team serves it in the net, the other team gets the point. The other type of scoring, I don't know the technical term for it, it is where you don't get the point unless you make the other team make a mistake. For example: When a serve is served over the net, the other team shanks the ball off to the side, the serving team would get the point. But, if the serving team had served it into the net, there would be no point given. Typically, most volleyball associations use rally scoring, the first type of scoring I described. I have personally never heard of any volleyball association us the other type of scoring. Also ,in club volleyball, some games may start at four points.
u only get a point if your team served the ball. otherwise nobody will get a point the other team will serve. everything is onnly worth one point
With rally scoring, the team that serves the ball is the only one that can score a point. If team "A" serves, but then team "B" wins that serve, they don't receive a point it then becomes there serve. In standard scoring, who ever wins the serve gets a point.
If the served is missed the point is given to the opposite team, if the serve is made then play continues until one team makes a mistake. Then the other team receives the point.
in beach volleyball you usually go in pars and olympic volleyball is played in teams of 6
an ace in volleyball is when one team serves the ball and the other team cant return it. then the team that served the ball gets an ace
=To win lots of points and beat the other team.=
I have never heard of J6 volleyball but I do know what JO volleyball is. JO stands for Junior Olympics. There are many clubs made for JO volleyball, such as the one that I go to now. These clubs have try outs that you can go to. They will evaluate you and see who will make what team.