I have an odd suggestion for what ails John Axford. John Axford is wearing the number of Derek Turnbow, and is beginning to look just like him, in performance. A big hit and a flame out. Take the number off Axford and have him choose a number no other Brewer has worn. Here is the catch. The new number cannot have either a 5 or a 9. Free him completely of the 59 he wears. So many other things are being tried why not something as off the wall as this. In a private no media ceremony burn all Axford 59s after he has chosen his new number. I know this sounds odd, but what have the Brewers and John Axford have to lose.
My main question would be the level of security and confidentiality with an email hosting service in Milwaukee or elsewhere.
There is a company called Lotus notes which is located in Northeastern Milwaukee.
Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria I still need the songs for when they take on the field...after "bring em out", and the classical song that is played for the montage (one where billy hall fist pumps the 3rd base coach) can someone email them to me at mantracity@hotmail.com
First Class Mail 2-4 days, longer for Parcel Post or Media Mail, etc
just ask bell media's the comedy network's customer info line they will give you it as elvira Kurt is the announcer of the comedy network, and the one person making it pathetic and lame, and making Americans superior at comedy.
Can you send your MySpace email to your yahoo email?
Hmmmm what do you think it means. Contact = contact, email = email, contact email = contact email. Hellllloooooo you talk the person that has "contact email". SIMPLE 1+1=2
An email may not be able to be sent if the email address you are sending the email to does not exist. If the email address does exist, you may not have internet to be able to send the email, or the email address may not be spelled right.
Email is the correct spelling with no hyphen. If you run it through the spell checker, email passes, but e-mail does not.
whats your email
you can email her by getting her email and typing :)
it means the email has to be a real email