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Q: How does music affect your accuracy on kicking a Soccer ball?
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Related questions

Does music affect the performance of kicking a soccer ball?

it affects guys more than girls.

Will music affect the speed or accuracy on a math work sheet?

Depends on the person. Try it and see how things turn out. I think it wouldn't be the best thing to do, since it divides your attention between the music and the work you're trying to solve.

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Soccer kid

What is the high kicking dance which originated in the music halls of 19th century Paris?

It's called 'Can Can'.

Does music affect reflexes?

Yes, music can affect the reflexes. Music is also known to affect the mood of human beings and the overall brain activity.

How can music affect typing speed?

Music can affect typing because it slow people

Can music affect mood?

music is mood

What is Bob Marley hobbies?

Music and football (soccer) cricket

How does music relate with the affect with society?

in my opinion, music relates with the affect with society because its catchy.

What kind of sports and music do they like in Peru?

in Peru they like to play soccer and listen to native music

Does music have an affect on attutde?

only good music.

Is sandy toder from music group alive and kicking still alive?

yes she is still alive & kicking, last i heard about 6 months ago she is a born again christian and sings gospel music. she had and probably still has one of the greatest voices i ever heard. her voice sent shivers down my spine.!! nobody can match her. listen to the whole alive and kicking album and find out what i mean