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Q: How does human height affect the distance one can hit a baseball?
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What is the distance on the ground that a human eye can see?

A person of height 1.7 metres can see a bright light at the horizon - a distance of 4.7 kilometres.

How do you measure human height with tape measure?

To measure human height with a tape measure, have the person stand upright against a wall with their heels touching the wall. Place the tape measure flat against the wall, making sure it is level, and mark the height at the top of the person's head. Then, measure the distance from the floor to the mark to determine their height.

What are the units of measure for distance and height?

Distance and height, as well as width, depth, thickness, and altitude, are all examplesof the concept of "length". Its unit in the SI (metric) system is the meter.

There is a huge height difference beteewn you and your partner 24 cm how would it affect your sex life?

It should not affect it too much because: # When you are lying down, the height difference is much less noticeable. # The human body is flexible and can assume many different positions where the height difference between partners does not matter.

How many people end to end would it take to go around the world?

more than a zillion (its true so if you have a report on this put more than a zillion) ---- Find the average height of an adult human, then find the distance around the equator. Convert that distance to feet and divide it by the average height of a human. If I have time, I'll find out myself and edit this.

How many genes account for human height?

55 orthologous genes are associated with human height

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Does cats fizzy affect human

Why is human height an expection to mendels principles of heredity?

Human height is governed by polygenic inheritance, which means that more than one gene determines a person's height.

How do factories affect human beings?

Factories affect human beings by the smoke coming from it.

What is the maximum and minimum height for the white board depending on human height?


When was Human Baseball created?

Human Baseball was created in 1993.

When did Human Baseball happen?

Human Baseball happened in 1993.