No, friction cannot occur in a vacuum because friction is caused by the interaction between two surfaces when they are in contact. In a vacuum, there is no air or any other medium present for surfaces to interact with, so there is no friction.
i dnt no
Sliding Friction Occurs When And Object Is Being Slided On The Ground
Some friction will occur with seemingly smooth surfaces because at a molecular level, nothing is smooth.
This would be sliding friction and it could happen when:run on the floor
No, friction can occur on both rough and smooth surfaces. The roughness of a surface can affect the amount of friction generated, but it is not a requirement for friction to occur. Friction is a force that resists the relative motion between two surfaces in contact.
The pistons, the cam(s), the lifters, every moving part will experience friction.
Friction occurs between two surfaces in contact with each other. While friction is commonly experienced on Earth due to the presence of solid surfaces, it can also occur in other environments, such as in space where interactions between objects can create friction.
No, friction can occur between any two surfaces in contact, regardless of whether they are both solids. Friction can also occur between a solid and a liquid, a liquid and a liquid, or a solid and a gas.
Yes, Theres no way that there could be friction without the object moving
The friction between the plates. When the friction is resolved, an earthquake occurs.
Friction is a force that opposes motion, so they often occur simultaneously. When an object is in motion, friction acts in the opposite direction to slow down or stop the object. The amount of friction present can impact how an object moves.