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Q: How does attendance impact your work?
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Why is good attendance important?

First of all, good attendance starts in school from what the teachers have taught you to the work force. By having good attendance, it shows that you are responsible and that you have self discipline.l

Why is it important to have good attendance?

Having good attendance means you actually care for what your professor is doing, in school. At work, good attendance means no salary discounts because no employer likes their employees to be absent.

What has the author Laura Ann Glaab written?

Laura Ann Glaab has written: 'The impact of type 1 diabetes on school attendance'

What is good attendances?

good attendance is being prepared for work or school or wherever it is you may be going. Being on time, not leaving early, or coming back from a lunch break on time is good attendance. Never missing work as well!

How do you work out percentage of attendance for example if Ive attended 208 of 230 days what is the percentage of my attendance?

It is: 208/230 times 100 = 90.435% rounded to 3 decimal places

Profit and attendance?

All companies strive to have their profits increase every year. One way that this can happen, is to have the employees have a good attendance record so the work gets done.

Why is good attends important?

First of all, good attendance starts in school from what the teachers have taught you to the work force. By having good attendance, it shows that you are responsible and that you have self discipline.l

What is the purpose of an attendance clock?

An attendance clock is used as proof to when an employee began and ended a day of work. It is used to calculate pay so there is no arguement to the amount of time worked.

What are the challenges during deployment that impact religious accommodations?

Access to Ordained Leaders, Dietary Requirements, Worship Attendance, Religious Items and Fasting.

What is the prefix for attendance?

The prefix for attendance is "at-" or "at-" as in the word "attendance."