The distance from Philadelphia, PA to Los Angeles, CA is 2393 miles/3851 kilometers.
The flight distance from Los Angeles International Airport to Pittsburgh, PA is 2,148 miles.
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Azte pa ca - 2008 Mayor of Los Angeles - 1.4 was released on: USA: 8 May 2008
2430 miles
Pittsburgh, PA (PIT) to Auckland (AKL) Shortest Flight Duration * 20 hours 10 mins * Via Los Angeles International Apt, Los Angeles (LAX) * this includes transfer time at Los Angeles International Apt, Los Angeles (LAX)
2,711 miles
If your car averages 25 mpg, and the price for a gallon of gas is $2.97, it would cost $288.58 for a one-way trip. The more mpg your car gets, the lower the cost of the trip.
It is 2,620.38 miles according to MapQuest.
42 hours