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badly i highly suggest that ppl don't drink like Gatorade and energy drinks like amp monster etc. i suggest vitamin water Gatorade rots ur teeth

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Q: How does a sports drink high in caffeine and sugar affect the body?
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Why can't you sleep when you just drink energy drink?

Energy drinks typically contain high amounts of caffeine and sugar, both of which can affect your ability to fall asleep.

What are the best natural treatments for diarrhea?

The best natural treatment is to stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks. Drink water, low sugar sports drinks and juice. Avoid dairy and caffeine. Dairy, sugar and caffeine can make your diarrhea worse.

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The caffeine in a drink makes the drink bitter. Adding enough sugar or other sweetener negates the bitterness and makes it more acceptable to many people.

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The high fructose corn syrup, phosphoric acid, and high amounts of sugar and caffeine can and will effect your health if you drink too much.

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Caffeine and sugar.

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caffeine stunts growth but sugar and caffeine in moderation is o.k.

What does caffeine mean?

Caffeine is like this kind of sugar or salt put in the soda or energy drink. Also, caffeine is the opposite of "caffeine free". Search up caffeine free to learn more about it.

Is it good to drink soft drink before going to sleep?

No. They contain sugar and usually caffeine, which are both stimulants.

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depends how much caffeine and sugar is in them so yea it can effect your blood sugar

Is it bad to drink coke?

Yes. Coke has too much sugar, caffeine, and calories.

What symptoms do you have if you drink a monster?

You get really hyper because it's loaded with caffeine and sugar.