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Q: How does a buy out clause work in football?
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Separate this sentence into main and subordinate clause 'I stoped the work when i was tired'?

I STOPPED THE WORK is actually the main clause. WHEN I WAS TIRED was actually the subordinate clause.

What is the subordinate clause of Jeff read the book on football strategies that the coach recommended?

"that the coach recommended."

What is the noun clause in this sentence Amir knew what you needed to buy at the store?

The noun clause is 'what you needed to buy at the store', which is the direct object of the verb 'knew'.

What clause needs another clause in order to make sense?

The sentence "I went to the store" is an example of a main clause ("I went to the store") that can stand alone. Adding a dependent clause, such as "after work," would give additional context and complete the meaning of the sentence: "I went to the store after work."

What is a Buy back clause?

A "Buy Back Clause" is used so that if whatever was sold to you by a seller is going to be sold in the future the original seller has first right to buy before anyother attempt to sell is made.

What football team did JE Clair buy?

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What is the adjective clause in this sentence Did you buy the CD that I recommended?

It is "that I recommended".

What is a buy out clause?

It is a clause in a player's contract with their club which guarantees that the club will allow them to leave if another club makes an offer meeting some minimum value (specified in the clause).

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what football teamdid j.e Clair buy

Where can I buy a canadian football league football?


Do you have to cont your money every night when you clause the store?

If you work for a store do you have to cont your money every night at clause?

Where can you buy CFL football in US?

You can buy them online.