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it does not as any runs scoring as a result of a passed ball are unearned and so do not count towards the pitcher earned run average

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Q: How does a Passed ball effect a pitchers era?
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How do you calculate a pitchers era if he gets no one out?

his era does not exist.

What is a hurler in baseball what does ERA stand for?

A hurler is a slang term for a pitcher in baseball. ERA stands for Earned Run Average and is a statistic for pitchers that shows the number of 'earned' runs a pitcher allows for every nine innings. An earned run is a run that is scored without the help of an error or passed ball. One might think that the earned run average of a pitcher is similar to that of the batting average of a hitter.

Best liftime earnd run average?

It's no surprise that the best career ERAs belong to pitchers who played during the so-called "dead ball era". Ed Walsh had a career ERA of 1.82, the lowest of all pitchers with a minimum of 1000 innings pitched; he played from 1904 to 1917. Addie Joss had a career ERA of 1.89 compiled from 1902 to 1910; he is the only other major league pitcher with a career ERA below 2.00 (with at least 1000 IP).

What is an era in baseball?

ERA is known as earned run average, a stat used for pitchers. The lower the number, the better he is.

What year was the ERA passed?

The ERA has never been passed officially.

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Which three Mets pitchers led the league in ERA?

Seaver Gooden Friend

What was Whitey Ford's position?

Whitey Ford was one of the greatest pitchers of all time. Among pitchers with at least 300 career decisions, Ford ranks first with a winning percentage of .690, the all-time highest percentage in modern baseball history. Ford's 2.75 earned run average is the lowest among starting pitchers whose careers began after the advent of the Live Ball era in 1920.

What baseball stats does Siera calculate?

SIERA stands for the Skill Interactive Earned Run Average. It is used to caculate the statistics of baseball pitchers. It gives an estimate of the ERA bby calculating the walk, strike out, and ground ball rate.

What records are kept on baseball pitchers?

Earned run average(ERA), wins and losses, walks and strikeouts.

Is there a website that shows a pitchers lifetime record and career era against another team?

Who has the lowest ERA in the live-ball era after 1920?

Season: Bob Gibson of the St. Louis Cardinals at 1.12 in 1968. Gibson had 13 shutouts that season along with 28 complete games. Career: For pitchers that started their career after 1920, that is Mariano Rivera of the New York Yankees at 2.30 (as of June 30, 2009).