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Q: How does Paul feel about Dad's enthusiasm for Eriks football practices?
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What do the dads in Africa do?

Dads in Africa love football so um they probably play it during their spare time.

Why do people like the football most?

Football is the National Sport which is why everyone enjoys it. Youngsters play football from a very early age, Dads play it, there are ladies football teams now.

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Because they have nothing Else to do than watch football

Which Ohio State Football player is called Animal?

James Laurenitus-It was his dads name as a professional wrestler.

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because they think foot ball is more important at that moment.

What does dd mean?

not known

Do moms or dads fart louder?

dads, definately dads.

Does justin bieber have his moms last name or his dads?

his dads

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simile about dads

Are Justin Bieber's dads and step dads name the same?

no there not his real dads name is Jeremy bieber, his step dads name isn't Jeremy