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A good magician never reveals his secret.

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Q: How does Chris Angel make a Frisbee levitate?
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Could you levitate?

yes i could levitate and make my lower half of my body dissapear

Is criss angel real or fake?

Chris Angel is real human being and is subject to the physical laws that apply to all human beings. Chris Angel uses technology, skill and psychology to make seemingly impossible things happen.

How do you make a card move without touching it?

You can't it won't happen only Chris angel can

How can you make a robot levitate?

At present, the only way to levitate anything is with magnetic levitation. It is probably not a practical way at this point in technology.

What makes a frisbee stay up?

Lots of things.In fact, it uses the energy you have to throw the frisbee up. Then the wind level will make it "fly". Then Gravity will pull the frisbee down towards the ground.

What did William Frisbie use to make a frisbee?

His pie tins

How do you make a coin levitate?

Making a coin levitate with no physical interaction would be done through telekinesis. Telekinesis is the process of moving an object with your mind and is often though to be a fabled process.

How many cats does criss angel have?

I know Criss Angel has a cat named Hammy ( that supposedly ate his white mouse Zeke )that he can make vanish and levitate ( that is amazing I've never known a cat to do tricks) and I think he has another cat named Minx he doesn't mention Minx as much as Hammy though. Thank you everyone who has read this .

How do you make yourself levitate?

There is no real way to levitate yourself. Although you could check out this site and basically wield together metal to make what is shown.

Can you make a boomerang out of a frisbee?

No. A proper boomerang needs to be made out of solid wood.

How can you make a egg float on air?

It's not possible to levitate objects at this time. Perhaps in the future, we can learn how to do this.

Can chris angel levitate?

yes he can iv met him wen i was in vages he tot me how for $30 ya i know right but it is all in foces and mined clearence u nead to clear your mind but thag is the only real one he learned how when he was 14 his uncal ric showed him.