The translation of "I don't like soccer" into Spanish is "Yo no gusto futbol." and is pronounced something like "Joe no GOO-stow FOOOOT-bahl."
i dont know but i like to play soccer
It is written as soccer player, two words, not one.
if you really like soccer then yes if you dont like then no
"I like..." is "Me gusta..." in Spanish.
in Spanish you would write no one like this: nadie
normally Salvadorans speak Spanish so in Spanish you spell it like this Futbol you say fot and then boll but in English they call it soccer
with a pen
Numbers are the same in Spanish and English. You write 7,080 just like in English.
spanish men and women
Y me gusta ver futbol
definently women's soccer ball. Most women dont like basketball
You dont people like you ruin the beautiful game