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first you get your legs warmed up by strectching and then you jog around the court, you do some lay-ups and some 1 on 1 break away situations and then you get ready for game time with a speech by the coach to get you pumped for the game!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

There are plenty of things you can do to get ready for Basketball tryouts. Run some laps, shoot around, do some dribbling and passing drills. Just basic drills that you have done in practice if youv'e been on a team before.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Shooting drills and warmups like layins, 12 foot jump shots and some passing drills. Build your leg muscles to improve your balance and jumping, practice shooting around constantly and with any sport, stay fit!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

i would say that if you need to cool down after basketball i take a jug of water and dump it on my head or you can easily and nicely take a nice long bath trust me it helps. lol if you need to cool down before basket ball then chill stretch ang shoot some hoops to get some practise. thanks for asking bye

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Make a exercise chart and follow each workout/activity that you have chosen. do this daily or every 2 days.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Two players stand opposite each other and the ref tosses up a ball the players have to elevate and hit the ball to where ever they want the ball to go.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

they jog and practice shooting lol

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Q: How do you warm up for basketball?
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Yes, basketball players warm up before they play.

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Is shooting around a game of basketball?

No it is a way to warm up, but is not a game

What to do before a basketball game?

Warm-up, stretch, think about basic fundamentals.

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One reason is to keep your muscles warm so that when you need them, they are ready to go and will not seize up and fail you.

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to keep their muscles/arms warmed up for the game

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There are eight basketball people on the team and we warm up together

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The guys will start to warm up and or the buzzer will go off

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there is no such school as University of Indiana. Only Indiana University

Why do basketball players touch the half court line during warmups?

not all players do that. but some will to look good or even to warm up or get use to the husle again.

Basketball up and down?

Bouncing a basketball up and down is called dribbling.

Is it better to work out and then play a game of basketball or the other way around?

A light game of basketball first before weightlifting would be the conventional order. The game serves as a warm up, hence the emphasis on lght. If you exhaust yourself playing basketball, it would be both counterproductive and dangerous to attempt heavy lifting after-wards.