cricket attax is made for entertainment
it makes +100to your rating.
keep the ipl logo in place of your power play card. you can use the logo on any player and 50 points increase
it gives a +6 rating
cricket attax powerplay card is used to increase the points of the player by 5 like i have sachin with 90 batting and 14 bowling the power play card of mumbai indias only because sachin belongs to mumbai indians will increase its bat and bowl batting will be 95 and bowling will be 19
Yes, it costs £3.99 (4.99 Euros) to become a member for the 2010/11 season.With the membership you can use codes from Match Attax packets to get virtual cards online to play the Match Attax game with other people.
They are used to play the online match Attax game The answer to this and much more can be found on
he used moongoose bat for 2010 ipl
The word 'trophy' is a noun, a word for a thing.The word 'trophy' is inappropriate for use as a verb.
He uses SS bats but he puts woodworm stickers on for sponsership
The girl won the gold trophy because she won the race.
what body part does a cricket use to chirp.