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First, you need to scuff or cut a ball to get good movement. The ball will generally move toward the non-holey side, so if you put the holes on the right and threw overhand, it would move to the left. The best pitches I throw are: the forkball(jam the ball between your index and middle finger and throw over the top), the screwball(hold with the holes to the left and throw over the top), the drop(hold like a screwball but throw sidearm) and the changeup(put your index and middle finger in opposite holes on the ball and throw over the top. Experiment! Thats how I learned all these.

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How many holes are on a whiffle ball?

There is one hole in a wiffle ball. If two openings meet at the same point, then it constitutes as one hole (i.e. a straw has one hole). Since every opening on a wiffle ball meets at the same point in the middle of the ball, there is one hole in a wiffle ball.

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Wiffle Ball - 2008 was released on: USA: 8 May 2008 (Delray Beach Film Festival)

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Who was the original inventor of the wiffle ball?

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What is joe jonas's favortie sport?

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Which ball will bounce higher a wiffle ball or a basketball?

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What actors and actresses appeared in Wiffle Ball - 2008?

The cast of Wiffle Ball - 2008 includes: Ryan Convery as Barry Batter Brian Siequist as Casey Catcher

How much does a wiffle ball weigh?

The approximate weight of a wiffle ball is 20 grams. The wiffle ball is approximately 7.2 cm in diameter also.