For most digital cameras if you hold down the button slightly the camera focuses. When you see the pitch being thrown and gets closer to the batter hold down the button completely. It may take a couple times before you get the perfect picture.
I know because I have everyone in my towns pic, anyway ,to get someones pic you have to talk to them everyday and NOT hitting them with a net OR pushing them! After some days, he/she will give you his/her pic. Did you know that if press A in front of the pic it will say a message?
Fire yooyoo ball
unless you have a some sort of software that allows you to take pic, you cant really take pic on a laptop
you click on your pic and (need a webcam) it will give you an option to switch your pic and take another one.
i think , animals which can fly are bat and geese
when you take a santa pic.
well its easy if you dont get the pic you dont defeat the island
Photoshop message or email address on your pic when your playing them.
its an item u can have your Pokemon take a pic with
how do i take a pic off of myspace???