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Firstly you will need a membership interest. This needs to be a minimum of a committee and a team plus subs. You will need a location where a pitch can be build and facilities for utilities, changing rooms and fist aim rooms. You will also need some kind of building to host the "club". This need not be on the site of the Rugby ground but it will help. You will need finance to invest in team colours and maintenance /running costs. Advertising is used to make money. You will also need to register with your RFC in the country you wish to make a club so that you can play other like sides at your level. Club development is a massive undertaking (having been involved in opening one ). You are advised to make contact with your country's sports development officer and start discussions there before you do anything. That way you will have support and guidance from the beginning and you may, if they are a good unit introduce you to new clubs that have gone through the process.

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Q: How do you start up a rugby club with pitch?
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NO. IN 1871 when the leagues split and the northern clubs set up the Rugby league the game became such that no one with League status could play union once they had been "paid" in a professional manner. Therefore even facilities were never shared.

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Having achieved a qualification in the sports coaching programme - you need to start by finding those interested in the game - both player and supporters. Set up youth programmes using the mini rugby and the increasingly popular tag rugby

Origin of rugby union?

Both codes of Rugby (League and Union) have their origins when a soccer player picked up the ball from the ground and started running with the ball. -- It was claimed to have been born when a 15 year old William Webb-Ellis a student of Rugby School, Warwickshire in England, whilst playing football picked up the ball and ran with it. The game was thereafter developed. Rugby League (a picture of which is above) is a separate sport from Rugby Union that was formed in 1895.

Who was rugby intented?

Rugby was invented by William Webb Ellis from Rugby School in England when he picked up a football and ran with it.

How long ago did rugby start?

The Rugby Union (RFU) was formed in 1871 that's 140 years to 2011. If you look at when Web Ellis is reputed to have picked up the ball and run with it then that occured in 1823 which is 188 years to 2011.

When was the first rugby ever played in the world?

Arguably the first ever Rugby game was in Rugby school Worcestershire England, when William Webb Ellis picked up the football and ran with it. But the first organised game is between the houses of Rugby school (Houses being their boarding houses) after Webb Ellis and two others wrote a book documenting the rules of Rugby.

Who are the first players of rugby?

Its assumed that you mean who played rugby first? If so then its the Students of Rugby School. Warwickshire. England in 1823. When a student who was playing football picked picked up the ball (which was allowed then) and instead of running backward to pass to a team mate (which was the rule) he ran forward toward the line). The pupils that left and went ton to university at that time took the ball carrying idea with them. One of the first rugby teams was brought together by Arthur Pell, for example, who set up a club at Cambridge University in 1839 and, of significance to football historians per se, the 1848 meeting which led to the 'Cambridge Rules' in 1848 was the result of a game between the Old Rugbeians and the Old Etonians - the latter growing exasperated at the Rugby players' use of hands. The oldest 'football club' was also the product of former Rugbeians, when Guy's Hospital FC was founded in 1843, soon followed by others such as Dublin University FC in 1854 and Blackheath Rugby Club in 1858.

Where did Glasgow rangers derive their name from?

The Scottish football club Glasgow Rangers gets it name from the city of Glasgow where they are their club is. i think the rangers part wa named after an old English rugby team. not sure tho. thiers a little project for someone, look it up