A steal is when the defensive team takes the ball away from the offensive team in any way, such as taking the ball away from them while they are dribbling or intercepting a pass. Blocks and rebounds do not count as steals.
That is the correct spelling of "pivot" in basketball (to turn the body about on one foot).
NO... you would have to steal it ... stripping the ball like in football would Intel that you wrestling for the ball in basketball they will call it a foul or a jump ball if you try to strip it ...
in basketball you have to be able to jump and move your body in a way to steal the ball or get it in the basket.
When playing basketball, it is important to conceal the ball from your opponents who would try to steal it from you.
"Basketball" is spelled "Basket-ball" in French.
That is the correct spelling of "basketball" (the game or the ball used in it).
It is spelled basketball :)
籃球 法院 That means Basketball, Court Not the a Basketball court. It is: 篮球场 Unless you want to know how to say basketball AND how to say court (like the highest court of human rights)
Yes. Cards like 'Snatch Steal' would be useless otherwise.
it means that you steal it while the opponent is dribbling
A steal.