The male given name is usually Alejandro (a form of Alexander).
Variants are Alejandrino, Alejo, and Alexandro.
The likely word is the Spanish given male name, spelled Alejandro. (Alexander) There is a female version Alejandra.
Alejandro Rae's birth name is Alejandro Rae.
Alejandro Lao's birth name is Alejandro Dimitriadis.
Alejandro Carballo's birth name is Alejandro Carballo Prez.
Alejandro Sanz's birth name is Alejandro Snchez Pizarro.
Alejandro Jornet's birth name is Alejandro Antn Jornet.
Alejandro Albaiceta's birth name is Alejandro Albaiceta Cruz.
Alejandro Calva's birth name is Calva, Alejandro Mara.
Alejandro Zepeda's birth name is Alejandro Zepeda Cervantes.
Alejandro Tous's birth name is Alejandro Garca Tous.
Alejandro Speitzer's birth name is Alejandro Snchez Speitzer.