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A Spear Tackle is an offense. The tackle can and has caused serious injury. Spear tackle occur whereby a player lifts another player into the air and dumps them down head first in to the ground. The damage can be substantial with necks being broken, shoulders dislocated and broken and serious head injury as the head in in effect driven in to the neck. The tackle has been made unlawful in many of the Rugby like sports including league and American Football. If a player making the tackle is has any doubt whether it will result in a spear tackle they are required to "place the tackled player down in a manner that avoids the spear effect". Those that do not can serve a substantial ban from the game.

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Q: How do you spear someone in rugby?
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New Zealand rugby shirts can be bought at several on-line retailers including Amazon and the World Rugby Shop. You can even buy a New Zealand rugby shirt for your dog at World For Pets.

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One can use the videos sharing website YouTube to watch fights for the sport Rugby online. There are a number of rugby brawl videos that have been uploaded there.

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The surname Curran is of Irish origin, derived from the Gaelic name "Ó Corráin" meaning "spear." It likely originated as a nickname for someone who was skilled with a spear or javelin.

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Rugby, rugby, rugby, rugby, rugby, rugby and some cricket.