There is no word for soccer in latin. Do you really think that Romans in the 1st century played soccer?
take the first letter and put in the back of the word and add ey to get occersey (okr-say)
soccer, footballits soccersoccerFootball (soccer).soccer
jugar is used to say play sport. If your trying to say "to play soccer" you would say "jugar futbol(soccer in spanish)"
you say helmet in latin (casco)<- in latin
its a definition used in latin America for a person that loves soccer any plays a lot of soccer.
To say "Who am I?" in Latin you can say "quisnam sum Ego?"
How do you say determined in Latin?
Soccer ROCKS or Soccer RULES if you were wondering about how to say it
soccer: foot
too many to count
Futbol (Soccer) , Baseball, and Cricket.