Depends what sport...In soccer it is used to hold shinguards up.
Put your ear inside the sock. If the sock does not stay on that way, you could use a clothes-pin to pinch it to your ear.
He cut the foot part off the match sock then put on a white sock and the rest off match sock and tape it together then it look like it does
ummm, it would be the color of the tape...... ?
you can write your name on or tape it one
Yes, Tacki-mac produces a rubber sleeve called a Command Grip that can be used for the upper shaft of your stick instead of hockey tape. They also produce a product called Attack Pad which replaces hockey tape for the blade of your stick.
Hey, put a sock in it! We have heard enough!
Start at the top and work down The edges of the tape will provide friction to stop one's hands slipping down the stick. If you start at the bottom and work up, there will be no resistance to such manual glissando.
Tape, glue?? by rubbing it on to stick because of electricity
It means left sock, right sock, left shoe, right shoe
As of the 2011/2012 season - no. A new law was introduced that any coloured tape that was to be visibly worn on the socks of a football player had to be the same colour as the sock. Which means that if the sock is blue, the tape would have to be blue.