Johan is usually a dutch name pronounced Yo-hann with a short a in "hann" and a long o on "yo" much like you are saying "yo-yo".
The person who found lithium was Johan A. Arfwedson.
Lithium hydroxide was discovered by chemist Johan August Arfwedson in 1817.
Lithium was discovered by Johann Arfvedson.
The person who created lithium hydroxide, also known as lithine, was Johann August Arfvedson. Find out more about Johann August Arfvedson from the related link.
There are many controversies regarding lithium's discoveries-Some say it was the ancient physician Soranus of Ephesus, who discovered lithium as a treatment for both mania and melancholia.In the 2nd century AD, Soranus treated manic patients with the alkaline waters his town, which, as we now know, contain very high levels of lithium.It was the Australian doctor, John Cade, who truly discovered lithium. It was Dr Cade who first discovered the role of lithium in controlling bipolar disorder.Johan August Arfvedson, a Swedish chemist, discovered lithium in ore from a Swedish iron mine in 1817. Arfvedson originally discovered lithium in petalite ore, and subsequently detected it in the minerals spodumene and lepidolite.The American doctor, Ronald R. Fieve, discovered lithium in the US in the sense that he encouraged by the Director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, began systematic clincal trials of lithium in the late 1950s-1960s.
Johann Arfvedson discovered lithium in 1817 while working at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. He isolated the element from the mineral petalite found in the island of UtΓΆ in Sweden.
in china
Hi, Johan Yo's name is Tom Johan
Johan Paulik is 6'.
Johan Gangsater's birth name is Carl Johan Emil Gangsater.
Johan Kim's birth name is Johan Kim.