The address of the Genoa Branch Library is: 602 West St., Genoa, 43430 1744
The address of the Genoa Public Library is: 421 Willard Avenue, Genoa, 68640 0279
Genoa is a city in Italy.
The address of the Genoa Public Library District is: 232 West Main Street, Genoa, 60135 1146
Genoa is a city in Italy. It is the capital of the Liguria region and the Metropolitan City of Genoa.
Genoa is in Italy which is in Europe
The address of the Genoa City Public Library is: 126 Freeman St., Genoa City, 53128 0727
Republic of Genoa ended in 1797.
University of Genoa was created in 1471.
The area of Genoa is 243.6 square kilometers.
Lighthouse of Genoa was created in 1543.
Genoa Building was created in 1930.