If you are throwing in the cold wear plenty of layers and keep your arm warm. If your throw with just a T shirt on you'll pull several muscles in your arm and shoulders. Another was is to not throw so fast that throw your arm out. Before each game ice and heat it up. Use icey hot for example.
The most important thing to do immediately after a game is to ice the arm. When it is not hurting, make sure to work on strengthening the entire arm (ask your coach or look on the internet for exercises to do). Another important thing to do is make sure you properly stretch and warm-up before each time you throw. The pain could also be caused by a poor throwing motion.
He has a gun of an arm, so "gun" is the slang word.
Good throwing arm, hand eye coordination, and hitting ability.
That means that the person throwing the ball has a heck of an arm.
He wears it on his throwing arm. This is so that his arm stays warm at all times (to help prevent injury and promote healthy use) while his other arm (which does not need to stay warm) is comfortably cool.
Well obviously lift weights, play catch alot.
Pain in your arm or shoulder when throwing things may be due to overuse of the muscles and tendons involved in the throwing motion. This can lead to strains or inflammation, such as rotator cuff tendonitis or shoulder impingement. Proper throwing technique, warm-up exercises, and rest periods can help prevent and alleviate this type of pain.
Your arm
Throwing is the act of propelling an object through the air using the arm and hand.
The foot that's opposite of your throwing arm
Yes you definitely can if it hits in the right spot and is the right speed. I'm a pitcher myself. Now, if by chance you meant "Can you break your arm throwing a baseball pitch", that's doubtful, but you can certainly throw your arm out of joint, and do considerable tendon or rotator cuff damage.
I believe it has to do with the force exerted on the pitching arm. Throwing all those fast pitches puts strain on the arm and bones, and slowly makes the arm grow longer.
Yes it strengthens his arm and he will have to adjust his throwing motion.