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The play is similar to slow-pitch softball. After a batter hits the ball, he/she is handed an open can of soda which he/she must drink while running the bases. If the runner lands on first base without a can of soda, he/she is out. If a runner pours out his/her drink, he/she is out. After arriving at home plate, the can of soda is set aside. Each time a player is up to bat, a new can of soda is given to them. At the end of the inning, the team's sodas are weighed and recorded. At the end of the game, the team with the least recorded weight wins.

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Pop, soda-pop, carbonated beverage, soft drink.

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The cost of a can of soda pop in 1955 was 10 cents. Today a single can of soda pop can cost a dollar or more depending on where it is bought.

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the way that you would probably measure soda pop is by fluid ounces.

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Soda Pop-Rip Off was created in 1994.

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the soda pop fizzes when opened becasue the carbon dioxide is being mixed with oxygen with causes a reaction like you have seen in the soda pop

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Some old names for soda include "pop," "cola," "soda pop," "soft drink," and "tonic."

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Can of pop is another word for a can of soda.