Lacrosse like most games is a competition to score more points than your opponent.
Each team has 10 players on the field:
1 goalie whose job it is to protect the goal from being scored upon.
3 defensemen whose job it is to stop the offense from scoring (or to get the ball back on the offensive zone)
3 attackmen who stay on just the offensive side of the field and whose job it is to try and score on the opponents.
3 midfielders who can go on either side of the field and play both offense and defense.
At the beginning of the game, second half and after each goal, there is a face-off in the middle of the field. During which only the midfielders may leave what's called the "restraining box". The other players are released when one team gets possession of the ball. or there is this lacrosse website that shows you how to play lax and what the positions are.
To play girls lacrosse, you need lacrosse goggles,a girl's lacrosse stick, and a mouthguard.
With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball
a lacrosse stick.
attack, midfield, defense, and goalie
No that is what Women's lacrosse is for as a 5 year lacrosse player I do not suggest women play men's lacrosse. it's called men's lacrosse for a reason. Women's lacrosse isn't for men neither should men's be for women. Lacrosse is an extremely dangerous sport women should play with women.
lacrosse is the best sport ever and it takes a real guy to play it. lacrosse is the best sport ever and it takes a real guy to play it.
The Native Americans were the first to play the sport of lacrosse.
They do.
lacrosse was originally called "the little brother of war" by the Indians