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Here is a high scoring game I made up.

2=Home run
3=Double, roll one die again if there is a runner on first and if it's a six, he scores
5=Hit by pitch
6=Ball, and double threes is a wild pitch
8=Strike, and double fours is a foul ball
10=Ground out
11=If it's possible to steal a base other than home, roll one die. If it is one or two, it's a pop out. 3 or 4 is a fly out, and 5 or 6 is a stolen base attempt. If you are stealing second, 1,2,3, and 4 is safe. If you are stealing third, 1 and 2 are safe. If it's not possible to steal a base other than home, roll one die. If it is one, two or three, it's a pop out. 4,5, and 6 are fly outs

Sorry if it's too high scoring.

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