Recorder karate is something you do in school starting at 3rd grade. If you want to know how to play the recorder. When you do recorder karate you play a song and if you play the song right on the recorder, then you will get a white belt from your music teacher. Then on the second song if you play the song right you will get a yellow belt It is called recorder karate because you can get a belt every time you play a song right kinda like karate! I am in 3rd grade that is how i know this.
It depends what kind of recorder
by playing it
depends on the song
u can get a tape then get a recorder then u got Ur answer
see the song
how to play Deck the halls Christmas song
Our song, i have seen a video of it. It s amazing
record it and then play it on a CD and you look good person
No clue i need it to