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Q: How do you plan the achievement of team objectives and the importance of involving team members in the process?
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Why is it important to be able to show team members how personal work objectives contribute to achievement of team objectives?

It is important so that they can stay on track knowing what the outcome is going to be

Why is it necessary to reflect on what team needs and want to achieve?

All members of the team must know what are the specific goals and work objectives, that need to be achieved, when they must be completed and the standard to which they should be completed. It is necessary for every team of an organization to set directions on work goals and objectives that will contribute to the achievement of the overall organizational goals.

Why it is essential to evaluate and reflect on what your team needs and wants to achieve?

All members of the team must know what are the specific goals and work objectives, that need to be achieved, when they must be completed and the standard to which they should be completed. It is necessary for every team of an organization to set directions on work goals and objectives that will contribute to the achievement of the overall organizational goals.

MBO emphasizes translating overall organizational objectives into?

specific objectives for organizational units and individual members

What means among?

in the company ;surronded by; inclueded withsurrounded by; in the company ofbeing a member or members of (a larger set)occurring in or practiced by (some members of a community)involving most or all members of a group reciprocallyindicating a division, choice, or differentiation involving three or more participants:surrounded by; in the company ofbeing a member or members of (a larger set)occurring in or practiced by (some members of a community)involving most or all members of a group reciprocallyindicating a division, choice, or differentiation involving three or more participants:

What is cooperatives objectives?

to enable farmers to purchase supplies at a lower price

What methods do you use externally?

allocate work to team members to meet the objectives monitor th eteam and individuals against objectives

Who does the smart guidelines help?

the EET Chief and members develop exercise objectives

What are the elements of an organization?

A group of people, A common objectives, An interaction among members.

What is the minimum age to do a pony club achievement badge?

There is no age limit exept for RDA volunteering, you have to be 12. There are also mini achievement badges for younger members.

What is home emergency on Achievement Unlocked?

A home is a place or building where family members live

What does AMONG mean?

It is a book About a Boy named Luke who is a third child. In the world where Luke lives third children are illegal, so he must live in hiding and if he is found he will be killed.