You can't.
Only R/W CDs can be overwritten. Most cheap (and all commercial music) CDs are write once, read many disks.
An Audio CD is a type of CD that has audio files on it that can be read by a CD player like a stereo
An audio CD is a compact disc containing audio data according to the Red Book standard.
If there is mp3 in an standard audio CD, it is on a data track, and thus not playable on a regular CD player because it is not an audio track.
you can use DVD audio ripper to rip audio from DVD and then play on CD player
An audio CD typically can hold up to 700 MB.
There are no graphics to display on an Audio CD
That just means that the files on the CD will be copied to a directory of your choice and then converted to a different audio format other than cda, (which means CD Audio)
Yes, but most likely it will not hear anything if it is a data cd.
We use CD-RW,as it is "Re-Writable".
Yes, A kodak CD is a CD-rom. Rom only means that it is read only memory meaning that you can not overwrite or erase the data on the disc.
That were the audio firms Sony and Philips.