All kinds of injuries occur in Netball, most commonly ankle and leg injuries. The most common injuries are:
Torn ligaments in the ankles, shin splints and strained arms (especially for shooters) may also occur
Netball is a very fast paced sport, with lots of stops and starting whilst the ball is turned over. This puts pressure on the lower joints, such as ankles and knees.
I'm an experienced Netballer that has played for regional teams, so its safe to say I've had my fair share of sprained ankles. I would say that this is were most sprains take place. Whilst running, a quick stop can quite often result in a sprain. Or whilst jumping up to contend for the ball, this happens when you land you may land awkwardly or on another persons foot.
You can also sprain your wrist when you fall over, but this can happen in any case.
I hope that this has been helpful!
you play netball on a netball court :)
jonnny is dies from the fire injures jonnny is dies from the fire injures
You can go onto netball websites like netball Australia and district netball, too.
two netball posts netball pitch one netball two umpires
Netball was invented in 1892 but was called Women's Basketball not Netball.
a netball court
no geoetry in netball
local netball is basiclly netball played in your local area.
I play netball and i dnt think there is even a "fast netball". But if there is i guess it would all be the same but, faster:\
Netball is not a word in french because it is not played in France. If someone were to refer to netball they would just call it "netball".
Of course netball is for lesbians.
who develop the game of netball in jamaica