Spirit Fever is now online.
You can visit the website and register here: http://www.spirit-fever.com/
Cheer spirit is kinda like showing your spirit for school but instead for cheer like where your favorite cheer team colors and stuff
support their team and mostly show off at the nd as a cheerful leader.
Good cheer competition words can be anything that gives your team spirit. You should use anything that makes your team stand out instead of using basic everyday cheers.
OF course.
You cheer by having team spirit and not letting anything get in your way. You also always try your hardest. Heart Dedication Determination smiling alot and having high jumps helps too ;)
Because All-Star cheerleading does not cheer for a school! Instead they cheer for their own cheer team! The only sport that they cheer for is their own cheerleading team!
To be on a senior team you must be at least 11.
So that it can promote team spirit for the team they are on. Like pumping up the crowd to cheer more so they can amp up the team. Mascots are pretty much cheerleaders in costumes
School spirit means supporting one teams. You cheer for your team in hopes that they will win. People will dress in their school's color to show their support for the school.
In my opinion, yes cheer is better than gymanstics. You can make friends easier because unlike gymnastics it is more of a team sport. Everyone has to work together to either hit a stunt or complete a dance routine. Gymnastics is a necesity for cheer. You are more likely to make a cheer team if you can tumble. Cheerleading in my opinion definitly is more fun than gymastics.
no but you have to work on it so one day you can be! good luck
I am on the cheer and dance team at my school. I've been to both camps. Cheer camp is where advanced cheerleaders or college-aged cheerleaders help you improve on skills such as toe touches, pikes, tumbling skills, etc. Usually your cheer team competes against other team with a cheer routine in hopes to win. At night, they give away a spirit stick to the most spirited team. You play a lot of fun games and bond with your team and other cheerleaders. It's a lot of fun, but VERY hard work. You will probably get frustrated and maybe even shed a few tears. You'll be VERY sore and TIRED. But it truly is a amazing and unforgettable experience.(: