You help with the scoring and stats. You have to make sure everything is there when there is a game (such as volleyballs, med. kit etc.).
yes muirlands does and also a volleyball team
It is about $100 to join a midddle school volleyball team It is about $100 to join a midddle school volleyball team
spandex shorts, knee pads,tennis shoes and a team jersey
Volleyball is a great thing to have in middle schools. First off, it is a fun and enjoyable sport, and in middles school it is rarely extremely competitve. Volleyball is a great sport because it involves team work, and you must build relationships with your teammates in order to succed which helps you make more friends and develop your social skills. Also, sports like volleyball provide a way to keep middle school students active and in shape. Volleyball is fun and enjoyable, and it is a great outlet for stress. All in all, middles schools should have volleyball as a team sport because it can only be beneficial, and it is a great way to make friends, be active, and have fun!
the team on the court- 6 the whole team in general- 12 to 14 for middle and high school
i don't know, i don't know you, and are you good because you have to be good to lead a team, NOT just a know it all
In youth wreck, you can serve three times before the ball is handed over to the other team. I think in middle school, high school, and select volleyball, you can serve until you mess up.
In every official volleyball game you must rotate including school games
Five seconds. But not very many referees go by this rule in levels such as high school and middle school volleyball.
Volleyball equipment is mostly a volleyball and net. If you play on a school team you would probably need knee pads and volleyball shoes.
Just try hard and do your best