

How do you make free cheer mixes?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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8y ago

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There are a few programs that you can use on your computer to make mixes. If you have a Mac, GarageBand is an excellent tool that even supplies extra sound effects and musical items. If you have a Mac or PC, Audacity is a free program downloadable from the internet (just Google it) that does most of the same things. In some respects, they are the same, but GarageBand adds extra sounds better than Audacity, and Audacity can edit the existing sounds better than GarageBand. The only drawback to Audacity is that you have to record the sound live, you can't use a CD, but if you play the CD and record it, it works the same. Be sure to watch out for copyright infringement.

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There are many professional companies that will make mixes. You can try to make your own on or Audacity.

How do you make a free cheer mix?

To make a free cheer mix, obtain a CD player or recorder. Insert a CD and record parts of your favorite cheer songs.

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go to youtube and just look up slow cheer mixes and record it with your phone or something, then send it to your email and save it:)!

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To make a free cheer mix, obtain a CD player or recorder. Insert a CD and record parts of your favorite cheer songs.

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That there is Cheer 1, Cheer 2, Cheer 3, Cheer 4, and so on. Levels are like how advanced the class is. Cheer 1 is easy and Cheer 5 is more difficult.

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go on 2

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Cheerleading has 5 parts, Cheer, jumps, dance, stunts, and tumbling. All star cheer does not have a cheer.

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go onto youtube and search cheerleading mixes, then copy the link onto and then you can get it into your itunes and ipod

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to do cheerleader try out you have to do a good cheer to wow to judge make them think that you can do it