

How do you make a seed?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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Teams are seeded based on their won/lost record and the strength of the opponents they have played.

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Q: How do you make a seed?
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What part of a flowering plant is often used to make oil?

Seeds of flowering plants, such as sunflower seeds, are often used to make oil. They are rich in oil content and are processed to extract oil for various purposes like cooking, skincare, and industrial applications.

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an apple seed

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to make a seed because if the sterman touches th stingma they make a seed.

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The biggest factor in make a healthy seed is how the the mother plant was cared for.

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yes , rambutan seed can be a coffe

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In alchemy, the term "seed" is a metaphorical concept representing the beginning, potential, or essence of a substance. To work with the idea of seed in alchemy, practitioners focus on distilling and purifying substances to extract their essence or core properties. This process involves careful observation, experimentation, and philosophical contemplation to uncover the hidden potential within a substance.

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Seed= life + sand

What farmers sow to make plants grow take away one letter?

Seed. the answer is seed.

What is a pelleted petunia seed?

Seed that is coated to make it easier to handle/plant

Do monocot plants make seed?

yes, they are flowering plants and produce seed