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when his ex walks by notice the way he acts toward you. if she walks by and he gets all close and lovey dovey with you chances are he is so over her but if he backs off, gets nervous or stares at her, he can't get over his ex

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Q: How do you know if your boyfriend is still inlove with his ex-girlfriend?
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when he takes u somewhere unexpected and he acts weird just because

I told my exgirlfriend how i felt about her which ment for me that i wanted to take her back but she said she dont know how she feels about me and said that she has a boyfriend?

You have let her know how you feel. All you can do now is to accept her response and move on.

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Quick answer...yes. Just put yourself in his shoes. If you and his exgirlfriend were best friends and she made advances on him, wouldn't you want to know?

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you know if he still does if he talks to you and listen and under stands

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i dont know i am a boy your boyfriend is probably attracted to you

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he sounds like a jerk to me........cause no boy should ever tell a girl they like her and then get back with his exgirlfriend. Don't worry about it. He just wanted a girl by his side so he could get his exgirlfriend jealous. One way or another, he still have feelings for his exgirlfriend. I don't mean for you to get upset or anything, but its just the truth and your better off without him................just walk past him in the hall with your pride and he'll know that he messed with the wrong girl ;)

How can you know that your love for your boyfriend was still there?

if you really love your boyfriend then you will know you have a feeling in you that hurts the most and its a feeling of love

If you have a boyfriend and your old boyfriend has a girlfriend how do you know if he still loves you?

you can't unless you ask him

How do you know your ex boyfriend still likes you?

ask him

How do you know when your ex still likes you but you have a boyfriend?

well if your ex still talks to u and u hate him then say that u have a boyfriend.

How do you know if she is in love?

first, you have to know the personality of that girl. for you to know if she's really inlove. or you could simply ask her. ;) -samishiyoru

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well she may not pay much attention to her boyfriend and is hanging out with other guys and maybe flirting with them.