You know ye are a pirate when...? prefer cheap rum instead of expensive wine. think that the proper way to greet kings at events is: Arrh, ye peacock, give me yer money or I´ll burn yer tent!'re planning to purchase a large cannon with the explanation: "who knows, maybe someday we go to war". are not very interested in SCA rapier Fencing cause "they've banned fleche and suicide fencing" and you don't really understand that crap about "chivalry" either. get thrown out of meetings because you know too much about "slitting throats, ARRH!"
...the people at work start to talk about you as the guy who puts jolly rogers on everything.
...people stand WAAY back when your household starts to pull out rapiers, sabers, cutlasses and daggers. get really angry when the person next to you at the banquette, who claims to be a pirate, doesn't know anything about "loading guns with rusty nails" and you challenge him to a cutlass duel; he turns up and then runs away because you brought your real cutlass.
...your topic for the evening is smuggling, and your fellow sca-dians listens politely until you mention "fast motor boats" and start complaining about how the price on silk has gone down.
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