When you bounce a soccer ball repeatedly with your feet, knees, head, etc. it is called "Juggling".
Knowing the trajectory of the ball as it is kicked upwards. Noticing it's change in direction with each little touch and yes, practise.
Soccer ball
It is one of the easy to learn but tough to execute skills in football. To juggle the ball, place your foot underneath the ball and kick it up as straight as possible. Then try to catch it with your other foot and kick it up again. And keep repeating.
The easiest way to juggle is with your thighs. Just hit it upwards using both thighs and if you mess up hit it back up with your foot.The key is to stay relaxed and keep the ball close to your body.When you juggle, make sure to keep your foot flat, not pointed up or down.
It is when you are making sure that you are keeping the soccer ball close to your feet. If you are keeping the soccer ball close to yor feet, then the offenders wont be able to steal the ball from you
You have to throw a ball and keep saying:____ juggle for example:Sparkles juggle
Soccer you use your feet, volleyball you use your hands. In volley ball the ball is mostly in the air, and in soccer, the ball is mostly on the ground.
The ball is at your feet not hands
As of 2021, the Guinness World Record for the longest time juggling a soccer ball is held by Ash Randall from the UK, who juggled a soccer ball for 26 hours using only his feet.
because it is a sport you play with a ball but use your feet so instead they call soccer foot ball because you obviously use your feet to kick the ball.
12 feet