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Q: How do you install gforce chip?
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Yes you can buy them, they are available but 100% worthless. Plenty of class-action lawsuits for the GForce chip and others. When you open it is has no software, nothing but a single resistor.

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Does gforce chip work?

It works on 2003 Prius fuel milage went from 42 to 53 mph and more power the first one the light would stay on but it worked I contacted them and they sent me another . I have bought another for an 05 Prius I need to go out and install it before I go any place else.I guess I will order one for every vehicle I have.

Does the computer chip in a 1987 Lincoln Continental control the transmission shifting to overdrive And is it the same chip I see advertised for 69 dollars or is that an additional performance chip?

The computer itself of your vehicle is programmed to control the transmission that is how most lincolns are, i don't think there is anyway to change that unless you take it to a dealershship or no a mechanic that know how to clear codes like that.. and for the 69 dollar chip i bought a GFORCE chip for my 2004 Lincoln ls and it gave me 50hp and save me fuel overall

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read instruction

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Hi-let me know when you find out as i too need to install a fuel saving chip Thanks-Rob

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How do you install memory in a laptop?

To install laptop memory, you will need to first consult the instruction manual. Afterwards, you can buy the memory chip, open up the laptop and then place the memory chip inside.

How do you install a performance chip on Mazda?

Check the web for chips availible!